Preliminary Ecological Appraisals

Confusingly a number of terms are may be used by planners when asking for a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, including:

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal is often asked for by a planning authority where a full Environmental Impact Assessment is not considered to be required. A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal will involve a Desk Study, Walkover Survey and a Report on the findings.

The Desk Study will analyse existing ecological and biodiversity data sources for records of rare and protected species in the vicinity of the proposed development and the presence of any statutory or non-statutory designated sites such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and county wildlife sites close to the development. This data is collated using GIS to map the ecological constraints in the area.

During the Walkover Survey the ecological habitats present on the site will be mapped using Phase 1 Survey methodology. Lists of the plant species which characterise each habitat present and their abundance will be recorded and the site will be assessed for the potential of the site for protected and priority species (such as badgers, reptiles, bats, great crested newts and dormice), and any evidence of these found during the survey recorded.

The Report will include an evaluation of the nature conservation value of the site, an impact assessment, and recommendations for mitigation, compensation and enhancement as well as any additional surveys that might be needed to meet statutory requirements. It will include a map of the ecological habitats present and maps showing the locations of any designated sites present and any rare or protected species records.

 Case Studies